Art, part 2

Its been nearly a month. I'll have you know its been a tough one at that. With a surf trip to Mangalore (which, to wide surprise, I returned alive from) and the pressure of two unfinished projects, I'm drained mentally as well as physically. I thought of making a compilation of interesting things I had seen recently but the horror that is the Festember Blog put me off all writing whatsoever. So, I decided to do what I said I would. Finish my two-part post on my artwork.

The work I'd shown in my previous post is all with and primarily by software - Photoshop/Gimp/Cinema4D. In this post, I'll cover stuff that I've drawn. With my hands. On the computer. With a tablet. Another short sentence.

My inspiration for drawing was mostly from xkcd. I must confess, I did not display much awesomeness in my drawing, but people (that understood it...) did find it humourous.

Not as much a display of art as it was of what happened during our trip to Riviera. The comment was from Vaidyanathan a.k.a Void a.k.a NoName00. Thankfully, he did not get his hands on any aphrodisiacs.

Most of these drawings are depictions of incidents. Or things people say. Like this one:
Opal is our heavily guarded, fortified, barbed-wired girls hostel, by the way. I did go on to correct him that such an endeavour, although interesting would not bear fruit.

I also attempted humor based on some ideas I'd had earlier:
I also made some others that are potentially unsafe for my blog. Visit my FB album for those.

I've also started making wallpapers of random things that come to my mind (Cinema4D though):
Here's a link to it at a 1680 by 1050. Yes, that is the Android. Identify the reference for Self Satisfaction +10.

I'm also doing a few 3D wallpapers on request or with suggestions. If you've got a good (and simple) idea, send me a message.

I'll close this post with something I made for Festember X. I'm just posting a close up of the original:
That covers most of my artwork. I'm shifting closer to 3D these days since its more fun to make. If you're interested in commissioning something, don't be afraid to ask!

All that apart, I've been rather occupied of late. Will try to increase the frequency of posting :D
