The Phenomenon of Haruhi Suzumiya

Let's start with a friendly word. Anime is not cartoon. Ignorance is not an excuse.

Before we get started on the (pending) post on TMoHS, it would be a good idea to get a clear picture of what anime is. Ben10 is a cartoon. Cartoons are primarily for kids. Anime, on the other hand, caters to as wide a range of viewers as chocolate, i.e. everyone. You have the childish run-of-the-mill fantasy series (like Bleach), the types that beckon with childlike beauty (like Chobits), the complex types (like S. E. Lain) and the types best left without mention (ask me in person). These broad classifications are but examples of the most typical genre. Add to this a thousand series, each having a devoted fan following and you have a whole new order in your hands. Sadly, however, for the inexperienced viewer, anime falls into the worst of classifications (hentai and cartoon). I can only ask you to watch some good ones before you take your side on the 'anime is for kids' debate. There are amazing examples that are shorter than 26 episodes. Eat that, sitcom addicts.

On to what this post is really about. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TMoHS, as mentioned earlier). TMoHS is one of the best pieces of art I have seen - and that's putting it lightly. It isn't a series that I would suggest for someone getting started on anime. It certainly isn't a defining work. And most important of all, it is a heady mix of a number of genres. Watching it twice will probably be necessary before you fall into Haruhi's fandom (and eventually start worshiping her). The sheer brilliance of it all does not come out until the end (Hell, the first episode, provided you watch it in the right order, leaves you wondering what you saw). Choosing a non-linear narrative is a nice touch that brings the right amount of suspense to the mystery that is TMoHS. Oh, and do watch it in Japanese (with subs).

To see the aftereffects of TMoHS, a google search will reveal how far things from the series have entered our world. Apart from huge fan bases (and related rabid fangirl/fanboy attacks), the show has even inspired flash mobs in full cosplay that start dancing at busy intersections. The prison inmates at a filipino prison (yeah, the same guys that brought us the Thriller dance) added the outro of the series to this their dance numbers (

Just like any other series, TMoHS has its critics, who, despite being hammered by fans, pick at the anime. I guess there is a price to pay when you adapt a long manga and shorten it to 13 episodes (that's less than half the running time of the average english season). The depth and the ideals brought out in the series make up for most of its shortfalls. The songs from the series, which are among my favorites, If you've got the time to download and watch it, do it right away.

On another note, I'm trying to figure out something fun to do for New Year's. Any suggestions?

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Don't be mean ^_^;