Tune In, Drop Out and some more LSD references

Its that time of the year when we must all pore over dictionaries and word lists to find the most apt synonyms - words that carry the message as clearly as before and yet pack a punch that was hitherto unseen. Yes, its that time when we transform last year's brochures with carefully edited lines that sound fetching, glorious and solid and mean just about the same thing they did last year. Its also that time a fest is held. But who cares about that anyway?

This year, the fest, as always, promises to take you soaring through the clouds and give you a whole new high. Chasing the dragon is recommended procedure. With a participation of over 3,000 candidates and about 300 real ones, the cultural extravaganza promises to drown you in a flood of excitement and leave you wet and moaning. Moving from last year's wonderfully suggestive theme of "Tune in, Drop Out, Get Laid", we bring you "Rewind, Press my Buttons, Behind" that is a bit less suggestive and a lot more fun. With students from all over the country turning up because their boy/girl-friend asked them to, the diversity can be sniffed, much like glue. With events ranging from the formal inauguration and guest performances to the less formal tango dances to the barely legal Beat-Sastra-guys-up event, the three days are the best fix you can get. So, don't miss out on the enjoyness! *Hic* (No, I'm not drunk; That was just to make it all politically correct.)

Side note: Sorry Nittwitts, I used up all my patriotism yesterday. Got nothing to spare for the college.

And if you're really interested in knowing about Festember '09, head to the website. What's more, you can even read an article by me on the blag there.

Yours hypocritically,

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Don't be mean ^_^;