Have u seen mah bukkit?

I am not the lolrus.

After nearly 3 years, I've started designing again and I've put up the offspring from my latest affair here. This new start also brings new experiments - the most obvious of which is my shift to 3D. Dropping plain Photoshop and adding Cinema 4D (and in some cases, a combination of the two) to my worktable, the style of my latest phase is shifting closer to jaw-dropping/stunningly realistic images. It is a long way though, and having two projects and a bit of work doesn't make the transition smoother.

The induction of C4D didn't go well either. Starting with the loss of half my installed software and a subsequent state of semi-depression that involved seeking succour on FB (which eventually degenerated into a discussion of the Group of Death) and research on methods of self-termination (where 1 page in 12 actually told you how to do it), I gradually recovered and faced less-serious-but-troubling-all-the-same problems. Like my computer hanging (which, incidentally, I faced an extra time because a friend wouldn't believe that the rendering of certain images could really cause computers to crash). The butterscotch praline on the cake was my discovery of heavy usage on my condemnably limited internet plan, which would force me to cut down the time online or shell out money. Seeing as I was incapable of performing the latter, I was (am) forced to stop fBS, among other things.

Faced with despair, I convinced myself that making little pieces of 3D art was the key to making my life a whole lot better and set about working on C4D. The results were not wholly unsatisfactory. And while you're at my photobucket album, go through the other folders as well. I could do with some positive reinforcement right now ^_^.

On a different note, some of you might have noticed the Wikipedian appeals for donations on your recent visits there. If you have cash to spare, do contribute. You may lose a week's supply of Absolut but your contribution to the sharing of knowledge helps a lot of people. And who knows, the fairer sex might even appreciate your new found sobriety!

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Don't be mean ^_^;