Critiqus Anonimus

*Points* The Critiqus Anonimus. She's a beauty isn't she?

This marvelous creature, known my its common name whysostoopid, never ceases to amaze binary etymologists around the web. Rearing its neck from its hovel only to let out a slow, winding moan, the creature makes its presence felt by sending shock waves rippling across the interwebs. These waves are often created by a group that closely follows the activities of the creature and are responsible for feeding it and keeping it alive (The group, incidentally, is known as The Group). Critiqus shows a level of intelligence not unlike the others of its kind, which, when considered as a whole, are called blogs (Of course, any researcher worth his salt knows that the right term would be blag). This particular member of the species shows sleeping patterns that are affected by how often it is fed by The Group. Being a youngling of its kind, it seems to depend a lot on them for its nourishment and well being.

An interesting example of its kind, Critiqus, has shown behaviour that suggests it wants to be the Alpha individual. Supporting this evidence are its shouts via the group and its erratic speech pattern (probably a result of the varied fodder from members of The Group) that are surely calls seeking attention. The fate of this specimen might prove to be interesting with its caretakers indulging in various forms of legal, semi-legal and not-really-legal-but-fun-anyway activites including (and not limited to) Geohashing, Alcoholism, Marijuana cultivation, Tweeting, Piracy and Studying. Initial date collected about members of The Group indicate addiction to Alcohol (as mentioned earlier), The Interwebs and videos showcasing the mating rituals a 10-foot-tall, blue-skinned, alien race.

Coming back to the creature, the Critiin is a must watch for a researcher seeking worldly knowledge. Even if the information from it comes in little bursts, the occasional light it sheds on some topics to such enlightening degrees that it just might be the next big flash of news. To find the Critin in its natural habitat, one must tread carefully to its top-secret mountain hiding place.

I hope more of my journeys will open our eyes to such insightful creatures. If you ever feel the need for adventure, trek to said hiding place and observe the Critin.

In other news, I finished Soul Reaver 2. My next post may or may not see me writing normally again. Also, I am searching for things from my past. I found a poem.

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Don't be mean ^_^;