Fun at IIT

We wonder, at times, how different our lives would be if we studied at a better institution. These thoughts grow with our realisation that we are studying in a college which has the large vacation period as its strongest vouch. Forced into the projects by overzealous parents, a batchmate and I forayed into IIT hoping to add a feather to our hitherto unremarkable resumés. The project is running smoothly (with no end in sight...) and we devote some of our time thinking about life at IIT. Life is not fun enough as it is. We came up with a few really interesting things to do there. Here are a few of the mentionable ones:

NOTE: Appreciation requires some knowledge of IIT-M and related geography

1) Remember the elephant circle at the middle of the campus? We planned on taking photos sitting on them. Only, with a sniper rifle. Nobody would dream of seeing a sniper there and it would prove to be the perfect vantage point. Cover does leave you wanting, but hey, if you get him before he sees you, how does it matter?
2) The buses for transportation inside take time. A lot of time. A simple plan born out of necessity involved car-jacking. I, being the thin, defenceless one, would distract the driver while my physically more (marginally) intimidating friend would yank the driver out. I would then proceed to jump in pretending to wrest control from him but my lack of counter-terrorist combat knowledge would lead to the accelerator being pressed.
3) This one was his idea. Well, its inspired by him, at least. Not satisfied with alcohol, he decided to completely destroy his liver. Three bottles of beer, one of whiskey, one of apple vodka and one of vanilla vodka. Once you're sloshed, stock up on paracetamol and take one an hour for the next twenty four. Give the devil our greetings when you get there.
4) People take videos/photos of the campus every now and then. Walk into one of these naturally, then, turn around suddenly, face the camera, wave wildly and shout "Hi, mom!". Blame it on the study load and Kapil Sibal.

If you are an NITT-ian who, like the rest, turned up at IITM for your project, support our cause. We need more volunteers to fund the sniper rifle.

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Nitin said...

Dude c'mon...sniping from the top of the elephant in GC.. i'm pretty sure i could snipe you from the top of the library building.Plus, from there, you get more escape time not to mention greater cover.

Mod said...

we're talking fun, not covert ops :|
besides, elephants are standard sniper gear, y'hear?

Anonymous said...

hey for starters me destroying my liver has got nothing to do with iit and yes you would go ballistic you sod!!!!

Mod said...

Ummm, I've explained it to nearly every single guy in my wing... and somehow I can't remember a single incident of my getting even mildly perturbed by it :)

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